Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Forgotten Post

Oops! This unfinished blogposthas been sitting in my blog file as a draft for a week or 2! So sorry! I went to post some Hawaiian pics and give an update and I stumbled upon it. Enjoy these pics. :)

Nothing like a little impromptu photo shoot when Da-da's building a fence :)

This is our new game...Jaed likes to kiss me through the baby gate :)

He also likes to climb and sit under things. We call these Jared's "forts"

Patty-Cake Patty-Cake...

Roll-em up!....

Roll-em up!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just a Really Cute Video :)

I have been slacking on the picture-taking lately. We are running around trying to get everything ready for Hawaii (we leave in 11 days!!!) I did find where Ryan hid my small digital camera, so I captured all of Jared's newest tricks on video! Enjoy :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A First (Forced) Haircut and a Happy Mother's Day

A lot has happened since the last post. We went and had Jared's hair fixed on Thursday...he no longer has a mullet! We went to a place called "Pigtails and Crewcuts." It's an adorable childrens's hair salon. They have special chairs for the younger kids to sit in shaped like an airplane, an antique car, and a firetruck. As you can see below, Jared chose the firetruck complete with bell :) After we got his haircut Jared and I had some extra time and stopped by the LSU lakes and took some pictures on a dock. It was a little hard to do by myself so all of the pics were pretty up close because I didnt't want to move too far away from him. We got a few pretty cute ones anyway. On Saturday, Ryan, Jared and I took a trip to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans as a little mother;s day celebration. Some of the animals got pretty close to us, much to Jared's delight! So here are the pictures of all of this:

Before they cut

Deciding he doesn't like it so much afterall!

I started ringing the bell

We had to resort to a baby cookie.

All done! Such a handsome lil' man!

The whole seat

Waiting in line at the zoo


Jared and Ryan posing in forn of the llamas

This is and anteater with her baby on her back.
The baby was born on January 30th of this year.

There is a black bear taking a dip

He is not too impressed with the alligators

White alligator

More interested in his water bottle

Where to next?


This thing (not sure what it was) came right up by us!


Can't remember what this was but Jared was interested...
it walked right up to the glass by him!

Getting sleepy